Thursday 8 February 18:00 - 21:00

DLA Piper
160 Aldersgate Street

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Innovation in Power Purchase Agreements

Business & Professional

How do PPAs work, what are the different types of PPAs available, and how will they evolve as more decarbonising technologies come online?

Women Powering Smart Energy in proud association with global law firm DLA Piper, presents an expert panel discussion, Innovation in Power Purchase Agreements, hosted by DLA Piper with the session Chaired by Natasha Luther Jones, Partner - International Head of Sustainability and ESG, Global Co-Chair, Energy and Natural Resources Sector

With more businesses and institutions looking at ways to combat climate change than ever before, many are starting to explore power purchase agreements. But what exactly are they, how do PPAs work, what are the different types of PPAs available, and how will they evolve as more technologies come online?

By considering key factors such as energy needs, financial terms, solar project viability, contractual obligations, and environmental objectives, businesses can make informed decisions when entering into a PPA agreement.

As power prices continue to soar at an unprecedented rate within an increasingly volatile energy market, more and more businesses and institutions are entering into Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s) as they face increasing pressure to seek protection from further energy price increases whilst also seeking a more sustainable long-term energy strategy.

A PPA can provide part of, or all of, a business' energy requirements through a combination of private wire, and/or offsite renewable generation delivered via a power purchase agreement, with no capital or running costs to your business.

The long-term benefits which a corporate PPA can provide should not be understated, both from a commercial and sustainability perspective. It is increasingly important for businesses to incorporate sustainability into their long-term strategies and corporate PPAs have the potential to confer strategic commercial advantages for those companies that are able to take the right steps.

This event is a perfect introduction and insight for those considering a Power Purchase Agreement to source their renewable energy needs in reducing and fixing electricity costs and reducing their carbon footprint and CO2 emissions. Those that will benefit most are senior decision makers from both private and public sectors: manufacturing, logistics and industrial, commercial real estate, healthcare, education.


Expert Panel Discussion offering a differing take from every viewpoint, whether that's the business consumer, the PPA provider, the lawyer, the financier, and the market analyst, this event will appeal to everyone with a vested interest in achieving sustainable cost and carbon reductions for their company.

5.30pm Guests Arrival/Registration

6 pm to 7pm - Panel Discussion

7 pm to 7.30pm - Audience Q&A Session

7 .30pm to 9pm - Networking Drinks and Finger Food

The first 3 of 6 Expert Panellists are:

Clare Bottle - CEO, UK Warehousing Association and Vice-Chair of Women in Logistics UK

Gauri Kasbekar-Shah - MD, Head of Energy at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management

Maritina Kanellakopoulou- Senior Insights Analyst PPA's & Renewable Energy at Pexapark

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