Wednesday 8 February 17:30 - 19:30

University of Westminster Fyvie Hall
309 Regent Street

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Towards a Green Democratic Revolution by Chantal Mouffe: Book Launch

Government & Politics

Towards a Green Democratic Revolution by Chantal Mouffe: Book Launch and Discussion

Towards a Green Democratic Revolution by Chantal Mouffe: Book Launch and Discussion

When: Wed, 8th February 2023, 17:30 – 19:30 GMT

Registration free and open to all, followed by a wine reception

Where: Onsite, Fyvie Hall, 309 Regent Street, University of Westminster, London

The Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD) at the University of Westminster is pleased to announce the book launch and discussion event for the new book "Towards a Green Democratic Revolution: Left Populism and the Power of Affects" by Professor Chantal Mouffe. Chantal is a Professor of Political Theory at CSD and is one of the world’s leading left thinkers on power and populism and is in huge international demand as a speaker. In her latest book Towards a Green Democratic Revolution: Left Populism and the Power of Affects (Verso) she proposes the creation of a broad coalition of movements under the banner of a Green Democratic Revolution to confront the impending ecological crisis.

The event format:

17:00-17.30 – On-site Registration

17.30-17.50 - Introduction and welcome by Head of School of Social Sciences Professor Dibyesh Anand and Politics and International Relations Research Director Professor Roland Dannreuther

17:50-18:00 – Introduction to Professor Chantal Mouffe by Dr Nitasha Kaul

18:00-18:20 – Professor Chantal Mouffe speaks about her book

18:20-18:30 - Response by Dr Paulina Tambakaki

18:30-18:40 – Response by Dr Nitasha Kaul

18:40-19:00 - Q&A with the audience

19:00-19.30 pm - Drinks Reception

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