Tuesday 26 March 18:00 - 20:45

Royal Veterinary College - Camden Campus
4 Royal College Street

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Who's Got Talent? The Role of People in Life Science Success

Science & Technology

Join LBIC and HRS for a free event featuring industry experts as they discuss the critical role of people in life science companies' success

Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024
Time: 18:00 - 20:45
Location: The Lightwell, 4 Royal College St, London NW1 0TU


  • Ricky Martin, Managing Director, Hyper Recruitment Solutions
  • Dr Claire Russell, Senior Lecturer and EDI Champion, Royal Veterinary College
  • Dr Nicola Musial, Associate Principal Scientist and Team Leader, MSD Discovery Research

    What’s the secret to a life science company’s success?
    It's people! β€˜Team’ has a higher impact on investment success than the underlying science, according to a recent European Life Sciences Investor survey by Optimum Communications.
    Equally, access to talent can be a company’s second-biggest weakness after access to capital.

    Join LBIC and Hyper Recruitment Solutions as we examine the challenges, trends and strategies for attracting and securing the right talent, developing the next generation and creating new pathways in a post-Brexit, post-pandemic landscape.


18.00 - Registration and networking

18.30 - Welcome and update from LBIC – Rich Ferrie, CEO, LBIC

18.35 - Panellist introductions

18.55 - Panel discussion with audience Q&A

19.40 - Closing remarks

19.45 - Drinks, nibbles and networking

21.00 - Close

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