Tuesday 28 June 18:30 - 21:30

52 Phoenix Rd
52 Phoenix Road

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A Space for Us? Somers Town


A Space For Us? Somers Town

A Space for us? Space is unequal - wealthier areas have more green space and are more likely to be conservation areas. In Somers Town, a deprived area, developments threaten to extinguish what little heritage is left: three locally listed buildings demolished to little outcry; a 28-storey tower block is built on a public park, not social housing but for luxury investment flats, billboards pronounce it β€˜Made of King’s Cross’ though it sits squarely in what is Somers Town. And working class heritage does not get preserved: here unique 'Art in everyday life' Doultonware ceramics designed for the working classes ended up sold at auction houses; the railway heritage walls demolished.

What right do locals have in shaping their area?

Wealthier areas have more green space; more deprived areas have fewer. Somers Town has one of the highest pollution rates; a public park has been built on, green space is at a premium, where there is a 10 year difference in longevity. Yet this is historically an area of 'Garden Estates' whose social housing architects dreamt of fountains and inner courtyards - which still exist.

Is greening merely greenwashing? Can we have equitable access to green space?

An expert panel of architects, historians and local activists discuss: how equal is heritage?

To include: Richard Simpson (Historic England), Professor Esther Leslie, Slaney Devlin (Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum) discuss.

Followed by refreshments.

Unseen examples of Bayes work will be on display.

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