Wednesday 13 March 18:30 - 21:00

Wiser HQ
7-10 Baker's Yard

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Account Mapping for 2024: Cross selling & upselling strategies


Identifying the white space in your account mapping strategies.

Let's level up our account mapping in 2024, finding new ways to identify who needs help & finding that white space to tackle.

On Wednesday 23th March 6.30-9pm Retention Seekers will be diving into successful account mapping with our speakers; Bryan Mulry, Account Director, Sim Riordan, Head of AM at Reward Gateway, Matt Timins GTM Advisor at Lowr & Jacqueline Abernathy, VP of CS at Juro.

What will the discussion involve?

  • Cross-selling, upselling and renewal strategies
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Comparing figures

This event is free to attend, with lots of food, drink & networking throughtout the night!

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