Wednesday 13 March 18:00 - 20:00

London South Bank University, The Hub
103 Borough Road

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Balance: Chasing excellence whilst investing in communities of young people

Charity & Causes

Balance: The art of chasing excellence whilst investing in communities of young people

LSBU are proud to present this alumni talk by Alton Brown as part of our public lecture series for 2023-24.

Our Public Lecture Series serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, insights, and ideas that resonate with a diverse audience, including our esteemed staff, students, and members of the public.

Our lectures are open to all LSBU Group staff & students as well as to members of the public and are free of charge. They are taking place in person and will be recorded. They are not being live streamed at present.


Balance: The art of chasing excellence whilst investing in communities of young people


β€œWhat counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived, it is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” - Nelson Mandela.

What does it mean to build a career that centres, the engagement and enrichment of the lives of those around us? Insights and provocations from an LSBU alumna, multipotentialite, charity sector leader and former athlete with ambitions to change the world for the better through creativity, sport and empathy.

Join us as we bring to life, some of the incredible work taking place in London and the West Midlands to support children and young people to thrive in the face of adversity.


Alton Brown is an ambassador, trustee, charity sector senior leader, former athlete and what writer and artist Emilie Wapnick would refer to as a multipotentialite.

Alton is a senior leader with 16 years of experience in the charity youth sector, operating as an integral part of youth programme delivery teams for leading UK cultural and sporting organisations. Alton enables organisations to drive positive social impact for and most importantly with, children and young people through the media of creative arts and sports.

As a former international Olympic pathway Karate athlete, Alton has represented both the England and Jamaica national teams at the pinnacle of his sport over a 22-year career. Making history for Jamaica in 2019, Alton completed his career as a multiple World, European and Pan-American medalist, and recognised for his contribution to youth development through sport internationally.

Recent projects include the award-winning international youth programme for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, the largest multi-sport event in the UK since London 2012, and trusteeships for London-based award-winning youth charity Art Against Knives and West Midlands-based award-winning youth charity Sport 4 Life UK.



5.45pm – Arrival & registration

6pm – Welcome & introduction

6.05pm – Alumni talk: Balance: The art of chasing excellence whilst investing in communities of young people

7pm – Closing remarks

7.15pm – Networking & refreshments

8pm - Close


Please share this event with anyone you feel might be interested or benefit for attending. Your support can ensure the event reaches a wider audience.

We look forward to seeing you!

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