Monday 28 November 16:00 - 20:00

Clothworkers Hall
Dunster Court

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Bishopsland Exhibition & Sale @ Clothworkers' Hall

Charity & Causes

An exhibition and sale of contemporary silver and jewellery by the UK's most prestigious silversmiths & jewellers

Bishopsland Educational Trust is pleased to invite you to a unique exhibition celebrating the best contemporary silver and silver jewellery made in the UK today. Thanks to the generosity of The Clothworkers' Company, Bishopsland is returning to Clothworkers' Hall for a one-day only event to highlight the work of the Trust and support makers - many of whom are Bishopsland Fellows having completed our prestigious one-year silversmithing programme.

Join us for drinks and canapés between 4.00pm and 8.00pm and enjoy:

  • a one-of-a-kind exhibition featuring current emerging makers from our silversmith programme as well as leading contemporary silversmiths from across the UK
  • two expert-led talks in the Livery Hall including (1) Dr Tessa Murdoch, Independent scholar & Acting Chair of the Huguenot Museum (Rochester), Institutional Patronage and The Clothworkers' Approach to a Special Commission in the Past and Present; AND (2) Dr Dora Thornton, The Goldsmiths’ Company Curator, Supporting Contemporary Makers: Recent Acquisitions for The Goldsmiths’ Company Collection
  • a selection of silversmithing demonstrations
  • the fabulous surroundings of Clothworkers' Hall

A percentage of sales will go towards supporting Bishopsland Educational Trust, the only residential post-graduate silversmithing & jewellery training programme in the UK. Donations are also gratefully accepted.

Images: Thanks to Amber Doughty for photography use of her Doric Spoon - recycled sterling silver set with Lolite. Alice Fry demonstration 2021.

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