Thursday 2 November 18:00 - 20:00

Bates Wells
10 Queen Street Place

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Creating Social Enterprise London Book Launch

Charity & Causes

Please join Patrick Nash at the London launch of his book Creating Social Enterprise. Reading, discussion, book signing, wine and canapés.

Creating Social Enterprise London Book Launch

Please join me for the London book launch of Creating Social Enterprise: My story and what I learned at the London office of Bates Wells, charity and social enterprise legal specialists. This in-person event is a must-attend for anyone interested creating a positive impact through enterprise.

I will be in conversation with Imogen Ward, founder of AAW Group. We will talk about my book, why I wrote this and the future of social enterprise. We will also have questions and discussion from the audience as well as book signing at the end.

The event will begin at 6pm lasting for about an hour, followed by wine and vegetarian canapés.

The event is free but for security reasons you must pre-register to attend.

I look forward to seeing you. Patrick Nash

“I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s an easy read which tells a fascinating saga of a lifetime of endeavour. It is inspiring and made me think - always a good ingredient for a book. There’s a lot for any budding entrepreneur, social enterprise or someone with a more commercial purpose, and it’s even a pleasant read for sitting on trains, planes, or beaches. I recommend Nash’s book to anyone who enjoys a good story and wants to learn something along the way.” Ian Garner, Yorkshire Times

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