Tuesday 12 December 16:00 - 22:30

Juju's Bar and Stage, Hanbury Street, London, UK
15 Hanbury Street
E1 6QR

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Crypto Party London


CryptoParties are FREE, beginner-friendly gatherings to help people of all ages and abilities to reclaim their privacy and power online. Our

Tuesday 12th December 2023: Informal CryptoParty re-launch at Juju's Bar and Stage

After the COVID19 pandemic hiatus, we are re-launching CryptoParty London physical face to face events at the excellent Juju's Bar and Stage venue.

N.B. COVID-19 and new strains of influenza are still around this winter, so please get vaccinated if you are vulnerable, wash your hands and wear a mask on public transport or in crowds.

Tuesday 12th December 2023

6:00pm till late

JuJu's Bar and Stage 15 Hanbury St, London, E1 6QR

No scheduled talks at the moment for the Tuesday 12th December 2023 CryptoParty London meeting, but there will be experts on hand to give free advice on digital rights, privacy, technology and techniques such as secure communications on your mobile phone or how to protect confidential sources and contacts.

Come and chat with us and exchange information, cryptographic keys or messages and perhaps share a CryptoParty themed cocktail.

Free entrance, all welcome, no registration needed.


Time Facilitator Activity

6:30pm @spyblog, @gouttegd, @[email protected]

Drop-in 1:1 digital privacy advice, demos - ask us anything! Bring your phone and laptop to make the most of it.

7:00pm @spyblog Anonymity SwapShop: Bring along spare social media accounts, SIM Cards, burner phones, Oyster Travel Cards etc. to swap or barter with other people, to help break the financial and CCTV purchase trails, to help keep your private and public digital personas in different compartments.

DiceWare Create a cryptographically strong, multi-word pass phrase, using random numbers obtained by throwing physical dice.

What's a CryptoParty ?

CryptoParties are FREE, beginner-friendly gatherings to help people of all ages and abilities to reclaim their privacy and power online. Our trainers are digital privacy experts who will help you with phone security, private communications, secure passwords, social media privacy settings, web browsing privacy and more.

We also host talks, debates and workshops on digital rights, privacy, technology (and the systems of power around it!).

If you've been to a CryptoParty already or are an advanced tech user, you're welcome too! Come and talk to us about your favourite project or topic, start an impromptu workshop about it, meet new friends and find potential collaborators.

Let's all build CryptoParty London as a space for collaboration and p2p learning. Let's hack away the gloomy feeling of surveillance capitalism and build our stairway to digital empowerment.

CryptoParty London is organised by Big Brother Watch and friends. If you want get involved, get in touch!

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