Thursday 18 April 18:15 - 19:45

The Wesley
81-103 Euston Street

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Enough: Why it’s Time to Abolish the Super Rich

Government & Politics

Book launch and panel discussion for HPC Executive Director Luke Hildyard's book 'Enough: Why it’s Time to Abolish the Super Rich'


  • Luke Hildyard, Author and Director, High Pay Centre
  • Dr Andy Summers, Associate Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Commissioner, Wealth Tax Commission
  • Dora Meade, Head of Messaging, New Economy Organisers Network
  • Yuan Yang – Journalist and Labour PPC for Earley and Woodley

High Pay Centre Director Luke Hildyard’s new book “Enough: Why it’s Time to Abolish the Super Rich” is being published on 20 March 2024 by Pluto Press. We will be hosting a launch event at the Wesley Hotel in Euston on the evening of April 18th. (Drinks and light snacks served)

The book argues that a major re-balancing of the distribution of income and wealth should be an urgent, pragmatic and necessary priority for policymakers, in the UK and globally.

A major and transformative programme to tax the super-rich - and where possible stop them capturing such vast and unwarranted fortunes in the first place - would significantly raise living standards for the overwhelming majority of people. It’s completely reasonable and realistic to think this can be done (indeed it’s wishful thinking to believe we can meaningfully improve quality of life for the majority without it).

At this event, Luke will set out the arguments in the book, before an expert panel debate the policy, messaging and political challenges associated with addressing extreme concentrations of income and wealth.

To order ‘Enough: Why it’s Time to Abolish the Super Rich’ click here – use the code ‘HILDYARD30’ for a 30% discount.

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