Saturday 4 May 18:00 - 21:00

Central London
Central London

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Heidi in the UK

Science & Technology

Heidi invites all UK clinicians for a night in London. If you're excited about using technology to improve healthcare, this is for you.

We're Heidi - the clinician-obsessed AI healthcare company that prides ourself on our customer-obsessed approach to healthcare tools.

With thousands of UK users in our first few weeks since launching, we're super excited to host a launch event in the heart of London.

Meet leaders at the bleeding edge of healthcare AI, connect with other innovative clinician/tech enthusiasts, and get acquianted with the Heidi folks - all in the one room.

If you're a clinician excited about the future of healthtech, or just wanting to learn more about Heidi, this is the event for you.

Drinks and nibbles on us, of course!

Can't wait to meet you all.

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