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Bush House North East Wing, King's College London
Join the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Next Generation EU–UK Relations for another event in its School of Diplomacy series: The New EU Migration Pact, with Graziella Rizza.
The JMCE NEXT-REL School of Diplomacy is a series of lectures given by academics or external speakers to diplomats and practitioners on the future of the relations between the EU and the UK in the financial, legal and political sphere that seeks to engage students, academics, the EU institutions, government officials, and other stakeholders.
Graziella Rizza is a counselor for the European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME).
The event will be held in Bush House North East Wing, Room BH (NE) 1.02. An informal reception with drinks will follow, we encourage all attendees to stay, enjoy a drink and network after the lecture.