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Join us to celebrate a special milestone for our new professors and and hear about their innovative research. Doors for this event will open on 5:15 PM with the lectures to commence at 5:30 PM. A post drinks reception will be held at 6:45 PM immediately after the lecture.
Title of Inaugural Lecture: Rwandan under the Rwanda Patriotic Front: Assessing 30 Years of Post-Genocide Recovery
About the Lecture:
April 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Drawing on more than 20 years of field research in Rwanda, this inaugural lecture will assess how far the country has come since the Genocide in terms of justice, reconciliation, socio-economic equality and civic freedom.
Title of Inaugural Lecture: Alternative Politics in Taiwan: The Birth of Asia's First Green Party
About the Lecture:
In this lecture Professor Fell will discuss how a conversation with a SOAS student led to a decade long journey researching Taiwan's Green political parties. This inaugural lecture will the focus on the party's first year, including its formation, first election and relationship with the international Green Party movement.