Tuesday 16 April 17:30 - 20:30

Mansion House

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The nature of our economy

Charity & Causes

Join us as we hear from distinguished speakers and discuss whatโ€™s necessary to implement the findings of The Dasgupta Review.

Location: The Old Ballroom, Mansion House, London, EC4N 8BH

Nature underpins our economy, but this is not currently reflected in economic decision making.

The Dasgupta Review, commissioned by the UK Treasury and published in 2021, sets out the strong case for changing our economic system to reflect that it does not exist outside of nature, but within it. It shows that, to prevent ongoing environmental destruction in the name of economic progress, we must use a measure of wealth that includes indispensable assets like nature on the balance books.

But how do we get there? What should the government, business and the financial sector do to shift the economic system towards to that ideal?

We will hear from distinguished speakers from business, finance and the government on whatโ€™s necessary to implement the findings of The Dasgupta Review, so that we better value nature properly and can begin to restore our natural assets and wealth, avoiding counterproductive losses.

Short speeches will be followed by networking, drinks, and canapรฉs.


  • Shaun Spiers, executive director, Green Alliance
  • Michael Mainelli, Lord Mayor of the City of London
  • Baroness Vere of Norbiton, parliamentary secretary at HM Treasury
  • Additional speakers TBC

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