Monday 29 April 18:30 - 21:00

House of Lords, Parliament Square, London, UK
Parliament Square

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YouTube Health and The Fleming Initiative Launch

Health & Wellness

Join us for the YouTube Health- Fleming Initiative Launch, where we'll examine how health influencers can impact on antimicrobial resistance

Join us for the YouTube Health and The Fleming Initiative Launch!

For the first time YouTube Health has joined with an organisation to create a social media pulse to tackle a global health challenge: antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

AMR is a global threat. It affects the most vulnerable patients worldwide, and left unchecked will cause more deaths than cancer.

Under the patronage of HRH Prince William, the Prince of Wales, and under the chairmanship of Lord Darzi of Denham, the Fleming Initiative is a new transformative approach to tackling this crisis.

But communication is key.

This event sets out our plans and work with YouTube Health going forward to addressing this global challenge.

We see health influencers as core components of these plans, as we head to a United Nations meeting in September.

Join us at our exclusive launch event at the House of Lords, where will have talks from world leaders, health behaviour experts and policymakers.

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