Wednesday 22 February 18:00 - 21:00

56-60 Conduit Street
56-60 Conduit Street


UN)PRIVATE VIEW: BEHOLD – a group show about touch.

Performing & Visual Arts

BEHOLD seeks to address the pleasures and problems of our physical interaction with others and the world.


Wednesday 22nd February 6-9pm

RSVP via link in bio


Thursday 23rd February — 16th March 2023

Tuesdays - Sundays 11- 6pm or by appointment.

We wonder if you are also thinking that, sometimes exhibitions are a bit distant from your body, closed off, in a musty cupboard…

BEHOLD seeks to address the pleasures and problems of our physical interaction with others and the world.

The exhibition is an attempt to engage with the raw actuality of things.

Artworks are chosen and presented with a focus on the sensorial and haptic, on presence and experience.

There will also be a series of touch-sensitive workshops running parallel to the show.

You will also be encouraged to behold artworks through a collaborative multi-sensory tour designed by artists, writers and academics, who are either blind, visually impaired or sighted.

BEHOLD seeks to reframe access by disrupting the hierarchies of perception and art education, by providing unusual and playful ways of experiencing artworks which lie beyond the visual and heighten our other senses.  

“How many artworks have held your attention, spoken to you or touched you?”

“How many dust particles are still attached to the sole of your shoes that weren’t there when you entered the space?”

“Do you feel slightly too warm in the clothes that you’re wearing?”

“Did you feel nervous about the people you encountered in space?”

“What are you going to hear once you’ve stepped back onto the pavement?”

BEHOLD seeks to reach anyone who has felt excluded from the arts.

BEHOLD is an evolving and live inquiry into how we can experience art that listens to your engagement over the course of the exhibition.

*The origin of the word ‘exhibition’ actually means ‘to hold’ rather than to show.

Schedule of workshops and tours to follow shortly on

Participating Artists

@conor_ackhurst @jorellaandrews @Georgina_starr @paulnoblenoble @nicole_clif @allegra.fitz @louiseashcroft1 @grahamlittle8 @andyholdenphotos @keith.farquhar #MosquitoFarm @greezblack @maddiebanwell @alastair_kwan @kirafreije @amelia_barratt @_rebecca.moss @saramarinangeli7 #NicholasPope @Hans.rosenstrom @hermione.spriggs @garethcadwallader @gauntghentgaunt @richardwentworthcbe #KaiAlthoff

Poster by @louiseashcroft1

Curated by Sasha Galitzine

with Graham Little

In collaboration with Harshadha Balasubramanian and Joe Rizzo Naudi and Genevieve Reeves. @joeraudi @genvv & #harshadha.balasubramanianAssisted by Elina Steinbergs

Supported by Hypha Studios, @regentstw1 and @thecrownestate

With special thanks to the generous support of Charles AspreyThis exhibition was awarded to the participants based on an open call selected by the Trustees @elizacbcand @markfuturecity. 

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